Write unique & plagiarism-free content for blogs
Explain your products in seconds with power of AI
Use your own tailor made AI for replying to your customers
Start to upload documents to create your own AI, ready to use after some minutes
First step is to create your own AI. You can do it by uploading your documents and hand-write a description about you, for the last time :)
Get StartedWait some minutes that our Systems trains a special AI model tailor made for you and based on your data.
Get StartedYou can access to ChatBot and other Tools based on the AI model trained for you. It will write like and you and have all your INFOs inside.
Get StartedGot writer's block? Get ideas for stories, blog posts, website copy, research topics and more.
Talks with all the AIs and use our tools
Sign up€19 / month
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Make AI talks and acts like you
Sign up€199 / year
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Our service stands out because it offers a unique combination of personalized AI interactions and document-based customization. Unlike many other platforms, you can engage with multiple AI models tailored to different needs and upload your own documents to train a custom AI that understands your specific requirements. This means you get a more personalized and accurate experience, all in one place.
You can upload documents directly to our platform, and our system will use them to train a custom AI model. This allows the AI to understand the context, terminology, and specifics of your documents, making its responses more relevant and tailored to your needs.
We offer a variety of AI models designed for different tasks, including natural language processing, data analysis, customer support, and more. You can interact with these models to find the one that best fits your needs or use the document upload feature to create a specialized model.
Absolutely. We prioritize data security and employ industry-standard encryption and protection measures to ensure your documents and interactions remain confidential and secure. Your data is only used for the purposes you specify and is never shared without your consent.
Yes, you can. By uploading your documents and providing feedback, you can fine-tune the AI’s responses to better align with your needs. This customization ensures that the AI delivers more relevant and accurate information tailored to your preferences.